-Past President presided at the meeting today.
-Ted Bresler announced that our newest Red Badge Manny donated $1,000 to help eliminate Polio. Thanks and congratulations!
- We received more words of wisdom from Sage Bob Benya.
- Lori Marra from City of Fremont Environmental Services Department was our speaker. She gave us tips to make recycling and composting work easier for us. She also gave us each a pack of 10 certified compostable bags to collect organic in our homes.
-Ted Bresler announced that our newest Red Badge Manny donated $1,000 to help eliminate Polio. Thanks and congratulations!
- We received more words of wisdom from Sage Bob Benya.
- Lori Marra from City of Fremont Environmental Services Department was our speaker. She gave us tips to make recycling and composting work easier for us. She also gave us each a pack of 10 certified compostable bags to collect organic in our homes.

Photo Credit: Lena Zee

Photo Credit: Margo Hood